Category Archives: Java

Unit-testing a Vxml app using JVoiceXml in Text mode

Installing and verifying JVoiceXml

The following steps were tested on this combination:

  • Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
  • JavaSE JDK 1.7.55 32-bit
  • Eclipse Juno SR2 32-bit
  1. Download the JVoiceXml (or higher) installer jar from
  2. Unpack that zip and double-click the jar installer
  3. Instead of installing to C:\Program Files (x86)\, install to some folder on your Desktop. (The default location runs into a permissions error for me; maybe it’s intended that the installer jar be run with Admin privilege.)
  4. When prompted which modules to install, choose “Text Implementation” (skipping jsapi through mrcp and the call manager). However, “VoiceXML Unit” through “Source Code” will probably be useful later on.
  5. Check the doc folder of your installation for the user guide, which provides further installation steps. The following steps are based on it.
  6. Open the following in a text editor: config/text-implementation.xml
    Verify that the classpath element values correspond to files that actually exist in your installation folder (even if the user guide gives different values).
  7. At a commandline, run [installation dir]\bin\JVoiceXML.exe. If you don’t see
    VoiceXML interpreter [version] started.

    then check the user guide for troubleshooting guidance. Leave this window undisturbed, and if you want to stop the server, make sure to use Shutdown.exe instead of closing the window or using Ctrl+C.

  8. Using Eclipse (Juno) IDE, go to File | New | “Java Project from Ant buildfile…”
  9. For “Ant buildfile” browse to JVoiceXml\demo\org.jvoicexml.demo.textdemo\build.xml
  10. “Project name” should now be auto-filled and the Finish button should be enabled.
  11. Select the project in the left pane, then select Run | Run Configurations…
  12. Select “Java Application” in the left pane, then click the button at top whose on-hover tip shows “New launch configuration”. Name the new launch config something meaningful to your memory like “JVoiceXmlTextDemo”.
  13. Select the Arguments tab, then paste${config}/jvoicexml.policy

    into the “Program arguments” textarea, replacing ${config} with the full path to the config folder within the text demo folder. For example,\Users\david\Desktop\Tools\JVoiceXml\demo\org.jvoicexml.demo.textdemo\config\jvoicexml.policy
  14. Select the Classpath tab. Select “User entries” then click the Advanced button. Select the “Add External Folder” radio button, then click OK. Browse to the config within the text demo folder. When you return to the Classpath tab, click Apply. If instead you select the config folder at the top-level, later you will get an error like this in the Eclipse console:
    Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial
    javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial
  15. Select the Main tab, then click Search to select TextDemo. Make sure the package shown for TextDemo is from jvoicexml. Click Apply.
  16. In, the imports of org.jvoicexml.client.text.TextListener and org.jvoicexml.client.text.TextServer might be shown as missing. If so, select the project in the left pane, then select Project | Properties | Java Build Path | Libraries | Add External Jar, and browse to JVoiceXml\lib\org.jvoicexml.client.text.jar
  17. WARNING: I still run into java security errors like this:
    Exception in thread "JVoiceXML text server" access denied ("" "localhost:4242" "listen,resolve")
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Why Palm’s webOS is the future of Android (and desktop computing)

Do you connect these dots in the same way I do?

  1. The current practice in OSs and browsers of asking the user at install time whether to proceed with the install, as a way of avoiding security threats, just doesn’t work. Users do not have the right kind of information at that time to decide.
  2. The threat of compromised systems and data loss is severe enough that consumer and enterprise OSs will have to be designed in a different way to manage installation risks. The widespread acceptance of smartphone apps indicates that smartphones will need such protection, too.
  3. Google’s NativeClient project is a good way of handling the risk because it provides a sandbox, and it’s better than alternatives like Java and Flash because it allows apps to run faster (because the apps are compiled natively rather than into bytecode).
  4. Palm’s webOS for its new smartphones has a very similar design to NativeClient (and since NativeClient is open source, could be built on top of it, for all I know). Specifically, webOS’ plugin development kit (PDK) will allow allow apps written in C and C++, two languages which by themselves allow altering memory contents almost anywhere in RAM and thus open to abuse by malicious app coders, but the PDK will sandbox apps, apparently in much the same way that NativeClient does. WebOS’ other interface, the Mojo SDK, allows apps written in Javascript to access data on the phone in much the same way that NativeClient’s browser plugin design would allow.
  5. Thus, webOS seems to provide a glimpse into what smartphone and desktop OSs will be like in coming years, if they deal with security threats in the inspired way detailed in the NativeClient design.

And there’s another force pushing Google’s Android smartphone OS in the same direction as webOS:

  1. Google always seems to prefer keeping its apps as platform-agnostic as it can by leveraging browsers when it can. The exceptions are Google Earth, GTalk, etc which must be installed either for performance reasons or to gain access to “hooks” in the OS that browsers can’t offer.
  2. Google’s apps for Android are Java-based (i.e., not browser-based) for apparently no strong reason. In fact, it seems that if Google had had Palm’s insights about how a web-oriented OS could be made back when Android was being designed, then Android would be very much like webOS so that Google wouldn’t have to split its app-building competence and resources across so many platforms (of course, the iPhone and Blackberry platforms would still make their own demands). Google’s efforts to build ChromeOS is another strong bit of evidence of its desire that there be fewer platforms and that they resemble browsers more.
  3. Eric Schmidt has said that Android and ChromeOS will eventually merge. I’m not sure if he came to this conclusion before or after learning about the design of Palm’s webOS, but webOS seems like a good hint of what such a merge would result in.

Am I pulling too hard on thin threads, or does this paint the same strong picture for you that Palm’s webOS really is a glimpse of the future? It sure is a fun way for me to stretch my thinking about what smartphones can do and be.

If this is an accurate prediction, then two consequences come to mind:

  1. The current unspoken practice of web engineers looking into the Javascript source of their competitors, learning new tricks, and helping the craft of web engineering to improve will suffer because companies will want to shift their presentation and business logic out of Javascript and into compiled native code for greater performance and out of a misguided attempt to protect their intellectual property.
  2. Having Google compete in the same idea space will help inspire both toward even better ideas. Of course, Google won’t buy Palm (why would it need to?), and it’s unlikely that having similar platform designs will affect the market share of either of them. As long as Palm can capture a significant share of the growing global demand for smartphones, it should be able to survive. And it’s likely to always have an advantage over Android in the beauty of its UI, given the DNA of the two companies.

UPDATE: Google released an “NDK” for Android way back in June 2009, which sounds like webOS’ planned PDK and also sounds like it was built on NativeClient. So, my prediction above that webOS is the future of Android has things a bit turned around.

Also, although the NDK seems to have a very similar design to NativeClient, and might have been built on NaCl, I’m somewhat doubtful because NaCl relies heavily on a feature known as “segmented memory” in the 386 chip architecture, and I wonder if that same feature is present in mobile CPUs such as ARM.

UPDATE: Other devs are worried that we might lose the ability to view html source and thus lose one of the primary learning and innovation paths for web app devs.

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    How to enable TestNG launch configurations in Eclipse IDE (Windows)

    When using TestNG 5.11 (and at least one earlier version, 5.9) with the Eclipse IDE 3.4.2 (Ganymede, for Windows), one can’t setup a Run configuration for TestNG in the usual way. That is, one can’t use Project | Properties | Run/Debug because only Java App and Java Applet options are presented there. (Of course, one has to install the TestNG plugin first for this to make any sense.) Instead, here’s a workaround gleaned from a post by Ajay Mehra:

    1. Make sure you haven’t hidden any launch configuration types
      1. Go to the top menu bar and select Window | Preferences.
      2. In the left pane, select Run/Debug | Launching | Launch Configurations. On the right side, make sure that Java Application and TestNG are shown and not checked. (You may have to check ‘Filter checked launch types’ temporarily in order to scroll or uncheck some items.)
    2. Make sure the class(es) you want to test have @Test annotations in them
      1. If you want to see an example, look at the SimpleTest class definition near the top of the TestNG homepage.
      2. Note that in SimpleTest, it’s not necessary to include an @BeforeClass annotation anywhere, nor is it necessary to include “(groups …)” after the @Test annotations. And rather than importing all of “org.testng.annotations.*”, you may be able to get away with just importing “org.testng.annotations.Test”.
      3. To support the @Test annotation, the IDE will want to add the testng-jdkNN.jar (where NN is 15 if you’re using JDK 1.5) to your project’s classpath.
      4. Any methods you want to be used as tests should be marked as public, so TestNG can invoke them.
        • If you don’t make any test methods public, then when you run your tests, the TestNG tab near the console tab will show that zero tests were run.
    3. Create a launch configuration for your test
      1. Go to the top menu bar and click the down-facing black triangle to the right of the Run button (a green circle with a white triangle in it). This should trigger a dropdown menu that includes “Run Configurations…” Select it.
      2. Select TestNG in the left pane, then click the New button in the upper left (the white rectangle with a yellow plus in the upper right). Enter a name for the new launch config; if your test will use just one class of test methods, that class name would probably be a good choice as a memory aid.
      3. Under the Test tab, browse to the “Project” of the test, and then select a “Run…” target. (For example, if you’re trying things out with SimpleTest, you should have created a new empty project, pasted into it, and now use the Browse button for Class to select
      4. If you need to provide any arguments to the JVM before the test is launched, do so under the Arguments tab.
      5. To save your edits, click Apply. When you’re done editing, click Close (or you could execute the test by clicking Run).
    4. Verify that the test is setup correctly
      1. Run the test by selecting the black triangle again near the green Run button, and then selecting the launch config you just named.
      2. The Console tab should show
        [Parser] Running:

        The name of the xml file shown here is what TestNG generates if your launch config doesn’t use the “Suite” option and you didn’t provide your own xml file.

        Following that will be any System.out printing your test methods did, plus

        PASSED: testMethodName

        for any of your test methods that passed.

        Finally, there will be a summary report like this

            Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
      3. A similar, more graphical view of the summary report should be available under the TestNG tab.
      4. If the report says “Tests run: 0”, double-check that your @Test annotations are on the right methods, and that those methods are public.
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    Evaluating animation toolkits for ‘perception of intentionality’ simulations

    Our team needs to create 2D animations that trigger the ‘perception of causality’ or the ‘perception of intentionality’ through the movement of simple shapes. (Jointed figures with faces and props can come later.) The prototypical example of such animation is the one Heider and Simmel used in their experiments in 1944, since then transcribed into Flash.

    I’ve been evaluating animation toolkits with a few objectives in mind:

    1. Creating such 2D animations must be as easy as possible
    2. It must be possible to inspect such an animation programmatically to determine where each shape is in each frame. (We are creating a simulation that will “watch” the same animation, but instead of observing pixels it will read such data.)
    3. The animations must be easily distributed, such as being able to run in most browsers on most platforms using no plugin or only a commonly installed one

    Here are my evaluations.

    Adobe CS4 Flash Professional


    • Flash files (SWF file format) are playable on most platforms using the Flash Player browser plugin, which most people already have installed
    • There are many online tutorials about how to create animation using this toolkit, and expertise with the tool is widespread (so it would be easy to find help or hire someone)
    • The “motion tween” feature available in the CS4 version eliminates the need to copy/paste/tweak each frame into the next frame; instead, one just drags from the starting position to the ending position, and can add arbitrary curvature at many points in between by pulling on edit points.
    • Although it’s a binary file format, the SWF format has been documented by Adobe, and there is an open-source Java library, JSwiff, that provides handy wrapper accessors. It even has a forum for questions about JSwiff, but answers seem infrequent.
      • This library is a little out of date, since it refuses to process files using SWF versions after 8, but the code seems capable of handling version 10 just fine (version 10 is what CS4 Flash Pro generates). To use the library with more recent SWF versions, it seems one has to edit the source (included in the download) by changing SWFDocument.setVersion to eliminate the max version check, and then build one’s own jar file. This method refers to private member “header”, so one can’t just subclass SWFDocument and override the method.
      • The JSwiff site also offers a separate download for its inspector.bat, which provides a GUI for inspecting all tag content of a SWF. Surprisingly, it works on SWF version 10; I’m not sure how it gets around the version check.
      • Note: There is another Java library, JavaSWF, but work on it seems to have stopped around 2005 and it doesn’t handle recent updates to the SWF file format such as the DefineShape4 tag. There is a JavaSWF Yahoo group, but it seems answers are rarely provided for any questions in recent years.


    • Adobe’s tool costs US$700.
    • There is an option to Export Motion XML, which seems like a good alternative to the Java wrapper, but despite multiple attempts I couldn’t get it to include information about each frame of my test animation.

    Alternative SWF toolkits

    For example,

    AnimeStudio Debut6

    Swish MaxMini




    • At US$50-150, much more affordable than Adobe’s toolkit


    • Harder to use than Adobe’s toolkit because they require copy/paste/tweak of each frame of motion, and there is  no motion guide unless one sketches a path using the drawing tool and then erases that path.
    • Toufee’s min frame rate is 1 frame/sec, which is far too slow for my needs. It also has a number of bugs such as having random transition effects on by default, and making it impossible to configure an object to disappear faster than in 5 sec in the first frame
    • Although Synfig is an open-source SWF-creating toolkit, which would otherwise make it very attractive, it has such a convoluted install process for Windows that I’m not willing to put my time into evaluating it further. It seems likely that it could just break someday, and there would be too little interest in Windows users to expect them to fix it.

    Alternative web-based animation platforms

    For example,

    HTML5’s canvas element + Javascript


    Microsoft Silverlight


    • Inexpensive (free) toolkits
    • Easily distributed and demo’d


    • Would require investing significant time or hiring funds into programming animations largely from scratch
    • Would require significant effort to design a way that an outside application could inspect what objects are depicted and what is happening



    • Free, open-source, and allows for easy creation of motion paths
    • Allows export to SWF


    • Motion paths aren’t editable — one needs a very steady hand
    • Current release won’t run on my XP machine, and on my Vista machine the lasso selection tool doesn’t work, which means I can’t create any motion paths. Not actively supported right now, but that might change soon.

    Bottom line: Assuming one can afford Adobe’s Flash toolkit, the combination of it and the Java wrapper seem like a very workable solution.

    Tip: If you need to control the playback of an SWF using Java, it seems the best option is a hack where a native SWF player like XULRunner is controlled by Java by injecting Javascript. Have a look at the DJ Native Swing project. It’s hosted on Sourceforge and has discussion forums there.

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    Going portable as an alternative to using a remote desktop

    This tip is intended for people like me who:

    • Often need to work outside the office but don’t want to carry a laptop
    • Happen not to use any Linux or Mac machines, just Windows
    • Can’t use Window’s Remote Desktop Connection app. (Perhaps your IT dept won’t open the port in their firewall; but if the problem is just that you’re using a Home version of Windows, you could switch to a Business version or upgrade to an Ultimate version.)
    • Can’t use the similar VNC app because your client computer has User Account Control turned on and you want to keep it that way for security reasons.
    • Or, your IT dept won’t give you admin privileges on your machine, so you can’t install apps at will
    • If you use SVN, then either your SVN repo has a publicly-accessible IP address, or that you can access it via VPN. (That is, if you need to use SVN but it’s kept behind a firewall, then these instructions won’t help you access it…you’re stuck working non-portably.)

    The next best alternative I’ve found is to use a thumbdrive to keep your documents and applications (plus application state such as licenses, passwords, bookmarks, files currently being edited, email and contacts, etc).

    If all the desktops you’ll use the usb drive with are XP, then you could put MojoPac on the usb; it emulates an OS and provides a desktop view of your usb that runs as a window in XP. It’s not clear if there will ever be a version that works with Vista or Windows 7.


    Before copying any files to your thumbdrive, or installing any portable apps, consider whether you’d be hurt if the thumbdrive were lost or stolen and someone got access to its contents. If that’s at all important to to you, there are four options:

    • If you expect to have admin rights on any computer you might use, then you could install TrueCrypt on your thumbdrive and also create a TrueCrypt file container there.
    • If you don’t expect to have admin rights, but can convince your IT dept to install TrueCrypt for you, then check out the instruction in the next paragraph.
    • Or, if you won’t need more than 1G of space encrypted on your thumbdrive, you can try Rohos Mini Drive. (I haven’t)
    • Otherwise, you need to use Remora, where you will have to manually unencrypt each file you would want to use, then manually re-encrypt it after saving. (I haven’t tried this either)

    If you can go with TrueCrypt, then install it on your harddrive. Use it to encrypt the thumbdrive. You can configure the encryption so you are prompted for the password as soon as you plug in the thumbdrive anywhere; then, you will be able to access files and run apps from the drive as though it weren’t encypted but all your edits and adds will be encrypted. (Things will run slower due to the on-the-fly encryption, although perhaps not noticeably so.) You might want to encrypt only a folder of documents, but I opted to encrypt everything because apps like Thunderbird store one’s data (e.g. all one’s email, if you have opted to keep local copies) in generally unpredictable places. After installing TrueCrypt, do this (basically following TrueCrypt’s beginner tutorial):

    1. Do the following from a machine where you have admin privileges
    2. Start the TrueCrypt application from your desktop
    3. Click the Create Volume button
    4. Select “Create an encrypted file container”. (I tried “Encrypt a non-system partition/drive”, but when I plugged the drive into another machine where TrueCrypt wasn’t installed, I was prompted to format the usb drive.)
    5. Select “Standard TrueCrypt volume”
    6. Click “Select file”
    7. In the file selector popup, select your thumbdrive in the left pane, and for “File name:” provide a name for your container. Mine is “TrueCryptContainer”, but the paranoid might want to use “junk”. Then hit Save.
    8. In the Encryption Options view, just hit Next.
    9. When prompted for file size, use the full capacity available (e.g., 3680 MB for a “4GB” usb drive). Then Next.
    10. Choose a good password. Next.
    11. For Volume Format, set Filesystem to NTFS (or, if you can’t get admin privileges anywhere, choose FAT). Move your mouse around over the window several times to generate a good random seed for the encryption algorithm. Then click Format.
    12. When formatting’s done, close that dialog window.
    13. Back in the main TrueCrypt dialog, the one showing a list of unused drive letters, choose a letter you want your new container mapped to.
    14. Click the “Select File” button and choose the container file you just created.
    15. Click the “Mount” button. You’ll be prompted for the password you assigned. Sometimes this doesn’t work for me and I have to cancel and then hit Mount again before it works.
    16. Once it works, you’ll see your container file listed alongside the drive letter you chose in TrueCrypt’s main dialog. And the drive letter should appear in WindowsExplorer under “My Computer” along with your other drives. You should be able to open from and save to this encrypted container using any application’s File Open and File Save commands.
    17. Be sure to use the Dismount button before trying “safely remove hardware” and before removing the thumb drive.

    Sync with desktop or server/cloud

    After encryption, this is probably your highest priority. You can try a portable application like Toucan, but I think it’s not full-featured enough. For example, one needs to type or paste in paths when defining items to skip, instead of selecting them through a browse button. And my rules for skipping items were ignored anyway. Instead, rather than using a portable app to do the syncing, you probably just need to sync to one primary desktop, and Microsoft’s SyncToy running from that desktop works well. I configured it to sync docs/projects and apps separately, and I set my desktop-to-cloud sync service Mozy to sync just the docs/projects from the desktop (because I want double protection for things I can’t just reinstall and reconfigure). As a further step, I use Windows Task Scheduler (See “Help | Learn how to schedule SyncToy” within SyncToy) to kick off these SyncToy tasks near the end of every workday. Setting SyncToy to run at the end of a workday assumes your backup desktop is your work desktop; to sync to a desktop at home, you probably want the trigger event to be the insertion of your usb drive. TaskScheduler doesn’t natively support “mounting of usb drive” as a trigger, but you can buy MyTrigger for US$24 which enables TaskScheduler to launch SyncToy for such an event.

    Default programs

    Once you start reading email from Thunderbird on your thumbdrive, when you click links in msgs you’d want them to open with the browser also on your thumbdrive (especially if you might bookmark the link or enter a password). This doesn’t happen automatically; instead, you’ll get whatever app has been set as the default handler of the kind of file you want to open (where “kind” is determined by the file’s extension — the part after the dot). There is no good solution in XP nor Vista to this general problem of wanting to set usb-hosted apps as default handlers (but Windows 7 appears to support it).. However, just for the case of handling urls when they appear in apps other than the browser, one can make a desktop-hosted Firefox the default handler and then use the Foxmarks extension in that installation and all one’s other Firefox installs (including the portable one), since the extension syncs bookmarks and passwords across machines. (However, there does not appear to be any Firefox extension that syncs one’s open tabs, aka session.)

    Auto-start when inserting drive

    Many people like certain apps on their drive to launch as soon as it’s plugged in. PStart is a portable application with a small window (aka “panel”) where one can list other apps hosted on the same drive, and set some of them to launch when the drive is mounted. To make this work, however, one needs to configure each desktop OS to “autoplay” usb drives whenever they are inserted. XP and Windows 7 will prompt you if you want this done when you plug in your first usb drive, but Vista requires extra work:

    1. Open your run box (Start | Run) and type regedit and click OK.
    2. Go to HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer.
    3. You should see a key called NoDriveTypeAutoRun (see picture below). Double click it and set the Value Data to 91 (hexadecimal).
    4. Restart your computer and it should be fixed.

    Now install PStart to your usb drive.

    Once it’s installed, open its panel and go to Setup | Create autorun file. Select the drive letter that’s mapped to your TrueCrypt container. (You might want to tweak the autorun.inf file even further.)

    You can also tell PStart to launch any programs listed in its panel when PStart launches. To do so:

    1. Right-click on the item in the panel (or add it by right-clicking in an empty part of the panel and selecting “Add file”)
    2. In the dialog that appears, click the Advanced tab
    3. In this tab, set Autorun to “on startup”

    Reminder to take your drive when you log-off

    This is useful, but the Quiet version requires that you log-off instead of using Safely Remove Hardware.

    Force apps to release thumbdrive

    If you often have the problem of Safely Remove Hardware failing to dismount the drive, you might consider this workaround. However, there seems a pretty fair chance of data loss. (If you use PStart, the culprit might be that in Settings you don’t have “when closed” set to “exit application”.)

    I’ve heard that Windows 7 will actually tell you what application is holding onto the drive (but not what file it’s using).

    Reward if returned

    You probably want to create a text file at the root level of your drive called REWARD IF RETURNED.txt providing your email address, and make sure the file remains unencrypted. Or, you may want to make the name of the drive your email address or phone number.

    Mozilla Firefox browser

    I prefer Google’s Chrome browser, and there is a portable version (steps available below) but I haven’t found any way to export bookmarks once one starts using the portable version; that’s a critical flaw, because when I’ve installed updated portable versions, I’ve had to lose any bookmarks accumulated since I first started using the portable version. So, I’m using portable Firefox instead. (Update: I’m using Foxmarks because portable Firefox is slow, particularly when scrolling.) For portable Firefox, I recommend the following addons:

    • Xmarks – Keep your bookmarks in sync across machines and drives
    • Download Statusbar – I find it annoying that FF uses a popup to acknowledge every download attempt, and the designers of this addon felt the same
    • Undo Closed Tabs Button – If you were too quick to close a tab and want it back, this feature will help you
    • Tabs Open Relative – When you right-click to open a link in a new tab, it should appear right next to your current tab, not way down at the right. This feature fixes that.
    • Firebug – Useful for designing/debugging web pages
    • Zotero – Useful for managing a library of e-documents, such as you may have on your usb drive

    And if you really want to use portable Google Chrome, here’s how:

    1. The portable version is available from a German developer, and you’ll have to get a translation of his blog page (plus the download link) from Lifehacker.
    2. To copy over your default tabs and settings, (for Vista) copy your C:UsersyournameAppDataLocalGoogleChromeUserDataDefault contents to Portable_Google_Chrome_0.2.149.30Profil
    3. Migrating bookmarks from desktop Chrome to portable Chrome takes several steps
      1. Download and install Mark Clouden’s chrome bookmark exporter
      2. Run it and hit the Export Bookmarks button. Make sure it refers to the chrome installation on your harddrive rather than the one on your thumbdrive.
      3. We’re going to use Firefox to import the bookmarks, so we can tell Chrome on your thumbdrive to import bookmarks from it. So run an instance of Firefox where you don’t mind emptying all existing bookmarks first.
      4. In Firefox’s menu bar, go to Bookmarks | Organize Bookmarks, and delete all bookmarks in the Bookmarks Toolbar and Bookmarks Menu.
      5. Click the Import and Backup button at the top. Choose Import HTML.
      6. Select “From an HTML file, then select the bookmarks.html file you created with Clouden’s exporter.
      7. It may take awhile to import; wait for the bookmarks you expect to appear. Then quit Firefox.
      8. Start Chrome from your thumbdrive, then go to (Wrench icon in upper right) | Import bookmarks & settings.
      9. Set From to Firefox and click Import.
      10. You’ll find your bookmarks if you click “Other bookmarks” in the upper right, and then “Imported from Firefox”. You can drag items out of “Bookmarks bar” in this view right onto Chrome’s bookmarks bar. And you can drag the other bookmarks and folders onto “Other bookmarks” itself, and then right-click on empty folders to delete them.
    4. You may want to change the default download location under (Wrench icon in upper right) | Options | Minor Tweaks
    5. You may also want to tell Chrome to reopen the same pages when you restart it. Go to (Wrench icon) | Options | Basics | Startup | Restore the pages that were open last

    Notepad++ text editor has a portable version of this very powerful and popular text editor. I recommend renaming the .exe file and all other folders and files that contain “++” to “NotepadPPPortable” because some sync/backup tools like Toucan have a problem with +’s in filenames.

    Mozilla Thunderbird email client has a portable version of this email client and address book application. But there’s no way to connect to your office Exchange server unless they’ve enabled IMAP or POP support. (But if you have a mobile phone running Windows Mobile, its email client does support Exchange.) Also, I recommend adding the following extensions:

    AntiVirus offers the ClamWin antivirus checker.  Note that this is only useful when you suspect a there is a problem, probably in a specific file. It is not a schedulable scanner. You would probably use it only after disconnecting your thumbdrive from a computer you have borrowed.

    WinAmp media player

    Just copy C:Program FilesWinamp to your thumbdrive. But disable Winamp Agent, or it will prevent unmounting the thumbdrive.

    Unzip / file compression

    I used to use the version of 7-zip available from, but I find its UI very nonintuitive and am now very happy with IZArc, which has a portable version.

    OpenOffice for docs, drawings, spreadsheets offers OpenOffice. OO’s doc writer is a great replacement for MSWord, and its drawing app is far better than Visio in my opinion.

    PDF-XChange viewer

    This PDF viewer is free, portable, and supports highlighting, comments, and typewriter features. The typewriter is great for filling out forms.

    I’m providing a link for the PDFXChange download, because the creator’s web site is so poorly designed and confusing. But the software itself is really good, and I bought a license for the extra features.

    Application launcher

    Launchy is a very popular choice, and its online PDF help file explains how to run it in portable mode. An alternative that bundles encryption and autorun scheduling is GeekMenu.

    Skype messenger and internet phone

    I haven’t tried it portably, but here’s a tip.

    Eclipse IDE

    (A programming environment for Java, C, and other languages like Prolog)

    These instructions are adapted from a forum post on

    1. If you’re going to use SVN as source control, make sure your SVN repository has a publicly-accessible IP address, or that you can access it via VPN.
    2. Run all updates in the Installed Software tab.
    3. Select Core SVNKit Library under Graph, Subclipse
    4. Select SVNKit Adapter under
    5. Disable SVNKit library version
    6. Once you launch Eclipse and select a workspace, the full filepath to that workspace — including drive letter — will be saved to eclipseconfiguration.settingsorg.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs. Because the drive letter assigned to the thumbdrive can differ across machines (and even across uses of the same machine), you probably want to edit this file so that the final line has no drive letter. For example, mine is RECENT_WORKSPACES=ProjectsEclipseWorkspace
    7. Eclipse seems to change eclipse.ini each time it runs by updating the ‘-vm’ value, and for me it puts an absolute path there including drive letter. So you may want to make eclipse.ini read-only to avoid this bug.

    Unfortunately if you are a Prolog coder wanting to use Eclipse, there is no way to work truly portably. There is just one version of Prolog that runs in Eclipse that I know of, Amzi (which works very well), but it depends on environment variables in your OS and there is no way to provide these vars via an Amzi config file (yet). However, if Amzi is installed on your desktop, then an Eclipse running from your usb drive will be able to support Prolog. I have only tried this when I’ve installed Amzi on both the desktop and in the Eclipse on my usb. Here’s how:

    1. Go to the Amzi Logic Server download page and scroll down to section “3. Existing Amzi! and/or Eclipse Users”. Follow that.
    2. When prompted for a Destination Folder, be sure you select a folder on your thumbdrive (I selected “F:AppsAmziProlog”).
    3. When that’s done, you can enable Prolog support in Eclipse by following Amzi’s install instructions in the section on Existing Eclipse Users.
    4. After restarting Eclipse, go to Windows | Open Perspective | Other | Prolog.
    5. Then do the same to open the Debug perspective.

    Task manager / Todo list

    I’m not quite obsessive enough yet to need a multi-level task manager, but ToDoList offers that capability and can run portably.


    • An app that monitored the health of the usb drive and warned me when it’s time to copy its contents to a new drive. (I already try to auto-sync the drive to my laptop at home whenever I remember/have time to plug it in, and that laptop auto-syncs in turn with Mozy.)
    • A desktop-hosted antivirus that scanned any usb inserted before allowing it to autoplay.  This may just require me to hunt more; I currently use Kaspersky, which seems to work very well, but it’s not clear if it does this and their tech support has ignored my questions about it.
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    Micro-theory of gaze

    Gaze (aka “looking at something”) can be automatic (scanning the environment), strategic (getting a closer look at something interesting), and even communicative (indicating interest, anger, or eagerness to cooperate). I’m aiming for rules that would allow not just simulating an agent, but allow an agent to predict or explain another agent.

    Following my evaluation of potential inference tools last week, I’ve tentatively settled on using either JIProlog or AmziProlog because Prolog is the only rule language that allows me to be expressive enough, and these two tools allow Java and Prolog to invoke each other (while Prolog is embedded in a Java Runtime (JVM)).

    It’s important that the tool run in a JVM because I want outside users not to be restricted to using the same platform as I do, and because I want to use industry-standard libraries for graphics, etc.

    The high-level architecture of my system (named ATOM = automated theory of mind) is:

    • A set of Prolog facts for each agent representing that agent’s initial mental attitudes.
    • A set of Prolog rules for each agent representing what mental attitudes cause others under what conditions.
    • A Java object that simulates a physical environment. When the Prolog module infers an “attempt” attitude, this is converted into a call into the Java module to see what follows from the attempt. When the Java module determines a causal change that should be observable to an agent, then agent-specific “percept” facts are injected into the Prolog module and may trigger new inference there.
    • A set of JUnit tests that swap out files for different initial states in Prolog (and different simulated environments in Java) to verify that the outputs match expected values. There may also be unit tests that swap out rules to test predictions about agents that veer from the “norm”.

    Because a fair amount of research goes into the formulation of each rule, each rule will be in its own Prolog file accompanied by comments describing the scenarios that inspired the rule (also present as unit tests) and the particular pages in articles that inspired the rules or any changes to them. (This may seem fussy, but a career in reading related research tells me we all need to be much better at providing such “provenance”.)

    As mentioned in the summary above, gaze is a good human behavior to start with. But read here for even better motivation: Vertegaal et al, 2001: “Eye Gaze Patterns in Conversations: There is More to Conversational Agents Than Meets the Eyes”.

    Some initial generalizations I wanted to capture:

    • The blurriness of peripheral percepts is high.
    • Moving the eyes in the dir of a peripheral percept will change it to a focal percept, and whatever was focal will become peripheral.
    • The blurriness of a focal percept is usually less than if it were peripheral.
    • For intriguing resemblances with high blurriness, one would want less blurriness.
    • For intriguing resemblances in focus, one usually wants to ignore peripheral resemblances that are less intriguing.
    • For surprising peripheral items, one automatically looks even if intending not to.

    I want to write rules for these in such a way that, not only could the rules drive the behavior of one agent, but they could also be used by that agent to explain the gaze behavior of another agent that one is focused on. That is, it’s the start of an automated “theory of mind”.

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    Comparison of tools for rule-based inference

    Although I started writing pseudo-code rules a few weeks ago, I’ve suspended that while I look for a tool for writing and testing rules so I don’t assume too much about the quality of the rules so far. This post describes what I’m looking for and the tools I’ve looked at. I’m likely to go with JIProlog or Amzi Prolog (and perhaps later, ECLiPSe).

    I’m looking for an expert system-type tool that offers these features:

    1. Simple, first-order-predicate-calculus (FOPC) syntax rather than C-style code
    2. Can be embedded easily in Java programs
      • Prefer Java because it’s platform-independent
      • Java has widespread use in simulation research that I might use or partner with
    3. Has a large, active community that might be interested in my work, and from whom I might get tech help
    4. Has good IDE (editor tool) support for auto-completion, syntax-highlighting, breakpointing, etc
    5. Allows for easy changing of any rules governing beliefs, desires, and intentions (aka BDI)
    6. Has a way of tracking what papers/scenarios influenced the conditions and actions of each rule (aka “provenance tracking” in my terms)

    This is what I’ve found:



    • Uses a Prolog-like syntax (i.e. fairly similar to FOPC)
    • Has a jEdit-based IDE that allows inspecting the mind of each agent, and history of actions among the agents
    • There is a book with in-depth how-to info (which I’ve ordered)


    • Structured as a “BDI” system, which sounds at first like a big positive, but on deeper inspection seems to mean that it handles beliefs, desires, and intentions in a pre-defined way. I’m not sure yet how limiting this might be.
    • I asked the creators if there was a compelling reason to use it over a simple inference engine (apart from the ability of MAS frameworks to allow agents to run over a network), and they said there isn’t much advantage in that respect.
    • Might not support back-chaining or facts with universally-quantified vars (however, this might be possible in Jason and all Rete-based systems by encoding such facts as rules with “true” as their antecedent)



    • Java based
    • Has its own BDI debugger tool


    • BDI support seems “cooked in” and likely to be hard to change
    • Rules must be expressed in an especially verbose form of xml
    • Might not support back-chaining or facts with universally-quantified vars



    • Java-based BDI
    • Distinguishes between achievement goals and maintenance goals
    • Seems more comprehensive in BDI concepts than similar systems


    • Procedural rather than FOPC-style syntax
    • Seems to have same limits on expressiveness (i.e. fairly restricted compared to FOPC or Prolog) as other forward-chaining expert system tools using the Rete clause-indexing algorithm

    Discrete Event Calculus Reasoner (DECL)


    • The “event calculus” (EC) is a set of rules for dealing with the frame problem (aka “commonsense law of inertia” — things tend to stay as they are unless explicitly changed). The frame problem occurs when a rule system knows a fact was true in the past but isn’t sure whether to assume it’s still true. CCSS is likely to run into the frame problem often, since our systems are likely to be triggered by combinations of mental attitudes, but some of those attitudes may seem “stale” due to being triggered in the past. The “discrete” part in the name is due to assuming a timeline with discrete points rather than a continuous one.
    • Has a book that shows how to encode BDI and OCC in EC


    • Requires integrating Unix env, Python, “PLY”, and one of a small set of SAt logic solvers. This seems too brittle and platform-specific to me.
    • While EC has a good-sized community, this inference engine seems to have a small one
    • Seemingly no IDE support
    • Might not support  facts with universally-quantified vars



    • FOPC-like syntax


    • C-based, so integrations would have to use C, JINI, or system-level calls


    [also see Jess vs Prolog]


    • Clips syntax implemented in Java
    • Has an Eclipse (IDE) plugin
    • Widely used


    • Roundabout support for facts with universally-quantified vars: One must use the special ‘nil’ slot value for such vars. Not sure if this will actually work.
    • Roundabout support for backchaining: Instead of indicating that a particular rule is backchaining, one must commit to making a particular predicate backchainable. This seems like it could have unwanted side-effects.


    Uses special jargon — “chunk” is what most other systems call a fact; “declarative memory” (for chunks/facts) is what other systems call “working memory”; “procedural memory” is where production rules are kept (is this an oxymoron only to me?)

    Structured very similarly to BDI toolkits — there is a goal buffer and a retrieval/belief buffer, but unlike BDI these buffers are allowed to hold only one fact/chunk at a time.


    • Very popular among “cognitive modeling” community


    • Limiting the size and number of buffers seems unnecessarily limiting — it limits the expressiveness of rule conditions
    • Seems to be no support for universally-quantified vars in facts, especially because vars are not allowed to bind with ‘nil’ in facts
    • Coded in Lisp, and special purpose IDE is very limited but does have a stepper (but perhaps not breakpointing)


    Similar jargon as ACT-R.


    • Fair-sized community in AI and Psychology (e.g. John Laird of UMichigan)
    • Formalization of Cohen & Levesque’s teamwork theory exists, STEAM, created at USC by Milind Tambe’s group. (I strongly suspect any team- or cooperation-related work we do will have to build on C&L’s theory.)
    • Java-based
    • Has its own IDE


    • Would prefer Eclipse plugin to specialized IDE
    • Syntax allows for separate stages of “proposing” and “adopting” operators, and a lot of flexibility in conflict resolution. I don’t currently need this, though, and the syntax is somewhat different from traditional FOPC. I think I could migrate to Soar later if needed.
    • Not sure if Soar has negative connotations for roboticists and AI folk, due to its somewhat dogmatic views on cognitive architecture


    Prolog-based simulation tool. It’s been used by its creators for simulating many domains, including a prey animal that anticipates a predator’s actions (by simulating the predator’s mind) and counteracts.

    It appears to have some sort of unit-testing support built-in. Perhaps embeddable in a Prolog/Java bridge.

    JBoss Rules/Drools

    [IBM tutorial]


    • Very active community (enterprise)
    • Not only an Eclipse plugin but also a browser-based “rule management system” (not sure of its features yet)
    • Java-based


    • Two primary rule languages – one in “natural” but highly constrained English, and one that mixes FOPC with procedural constructs. There is a nascent effort to provide CLIPS/Jess-style language support also.
    • Doesn’t support backchaining
    • Probably doesn’t support facts with universally-quantified vars (unless through a workaround like Jess’)

    Prolog in Java [external overview]

    PRO: Prolog supports backchaining and facts with universally-quantified vars

    • JIProlog
      • PRO: Java can call Prolog, and vice versa
      • PRO: Available as shareware (free)
      • PRO/CON: Special-purpose IDE
      • PRO: Actively supported
    • AmziProlog
      • PRO: Java can call Prolog, and vice versa
      • PRO: Has a plugin for Eclipse IDE
      • PRO: There is a breakpointing debugger available for the IDE plugin
      • PRO: Good support through Amzi forums
      • CON: The breakpointer is not free
      • CON: The breakpointer, and the interpreter, require some getting used to. For example, the listener must be shutdown manually (via a “quit” typed command) before one exits Eclipse. Common keyboard shortcuts cause errors when the Listener has focus.
    • ECLiPSe
      • An extension of Prolog that supports “constraint programming”. In my terms, this allows one to make temporary bindings such as “T > 2” rather than only permanent absolute bindings like “T = 3” as pure Prolog demands, thereby delaying commitment to a specific value. This is a way to be efficient by doing search in a “constrain and generate” style rather than a “generate and test” style. For example, if one wanted to know if “the book was returned before Monday”, one could constrain a time variable to be before Monday and then search for book return events using that time variable, instead of searching for all book return events using an unbound time variable and then checking each variable binding to see if it was after Monday.
      • However, one is limited to relations for which a “constraint solver” can be written; ECLiPSe comes with several solvers for different kinds of problems.
      • A plugin for the Eclipse IDE is available, Saros, but I couldn’t get version 1.0 working. It was contributed by a Cisco employee, and rumor is that he will get official support to update it. I’ll re-evaluate when that happens.
    • JPL
      • PRO: Java can call Prolog, and vice versa. Commonly used with free SWI-Prolog
      • CON: Not actively supported since 2003 (at least not the docs)
    • tuProlog
      • PRO: open source, and appears actively supported
    • JLogic
      • PRO: Free
      • PRO/CON: Special-purpose IDE
    • Jinni
      • CON: Not free
    • SICStus Jasper
      • CON: Not free
    • GNU Prolog for Java 0.1.0
      • PRO: Free
      • CON: Very early release
      • CON: Appears not to be actively supported
      • CON: No IDE

    Cyc engine and tools (but not KB) – TBD

    Currently can’t run on Vista; will try on XP or Linux soon

    RePast – TBD

    Swarm – TBD


    Targeted at situation-assessment and decision-making applications. Uses Bayesian network as part of its tech.



    • Appears to be not available, except perhaps through a belief net app from Charles River Analytics
    • “On the situation assessment side, one major problem we are confronted with is that the type of belief network currently used in COGENT does not model temporal information explicitly.”



    • Popular in research community


    • Seems limited to numeric-oriented simulation rather than rule-based ones
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    Implementing Calendar Sync via Funambol

    Sync software for managing contacts, events, etc across devices can be very helpful when it works, and very frustrating when it doesn’t. In my experience, when an error occurs it’s often unclear how to rectify it; and even when there is no error, it’s hard to judge whether it worked because many updates may have been made to my data and it’s unclear whether the updates were correct until I run into an instance of not being able to find a contact, or finding that I have multiple instances of the same reminder.

    I was really motivated to find a solution, and recently I had the opportunity because my employer chose to offer a sync service by using the open-source software shepherded by This article describes how to use Funambol’s software to allow users to sync with a pre-existing store of their event and task data.

    Funambol provides a very capable sync platform that gets one past the fundamental technical challenges and will allow you to focus on the usability issues that all current sync experiences have.

    What Funambol Provides

    The core piece of Funambol’s software suite is the Data Synchronization Server (DSS), comprised of Tomcat 5.x running a webapp that handles the syncML xml-over-http protocol plus a dbms (mysql, postgres, or hypersonic) for state persistence. There is also a webapp (“webdemo”) providing an html interface for managing events and contacts, to be stored in the same dbms, but this article is about using pre-existing storage, so you won’t want to use this webapp or its db tables.

    Another major part of the suite is the large stable of plugins for mobile devices. Most smartphones and PDAs (even the iPod) have calendar and contact functionality, where the data is stored in a local file or dbms. Many of these devices also have factory-installed (“native”) sync software, which works by sending a “begin sync” request encoded in syncML wirelessly(*) to a server that knows how to coordinate sync attempts. (*Strictly speaking, a device doesn’t have to have a wireless connection; instead, like the iPod, it might require a cable to a desktop computer, which itself has to be connected to a network unless you’re syncing only with the desktop itself.) For devices which do have contacts or events storage but no native sync client, one can usually find a “plugin” from Funambol. Unfortunately, finding out whether your device already has a sync client can be difficult, since the app might be hiding several folders deep from your main menu.

    If you don’t have a sync client, but do have the ability to install software directly on your device, you can look for the plugin at If you don’t have the ability to install directly, but your device can receive binary SMS messages, then you can signup for a free user-oriented account at, where you can indicate your device type and trigger an SMS containing the plugin software — all you have to do is click on an install link in the message.

    There are some surprises in the devices that Funambol does support and those it doesn’t. It does support Microsoft Outlook (via a plugin), allowing data there to be synced with your pre-existing storage even without an Exchange server being involved. But it doesn’t support OS X’s Sync application. It does support the iPhone for syncing contacts only, but not events (because, I’m told, the iPhone SDK doesn’t support access to the device’s calendar storage). It does support the iPod, but only if you can connect it to a Windows desktop (via the iPod’s USB cable, which talks to a plugin from Funambol that you must install); there is no support for using an iPod via a Mac (and since the iPod has no wireless capability, it’s dependent on being tethered to some desktop). Another wrinkle is that some carriers disable the native sync clients on phones they sell, or they block Funambol’s plugins from using the wireless connection unless Funambol has been certified. With new phones arriving all the time, this makes for a moving target.

    Two more major pieces of Funambol’s suite are the “sync portal” and the “PIM listener”. These are not available in the free, open Funambol software but can be gotten in the “carrier edition” through agreement with Funambol. The portal is another webapp using the same dbms, providing an http-based API, which can be used to build a website allowing users to indicate their device type and trigger an SMS containing an installable plugin (similar to what provides).

    The PIM listener is useful for users who have several devices that must stay in synch; it notices when one of a user’s devices has been synced, and triggers an SMS to all the user’s other devices (which are known to support such SMSs) instructing them to automatically initiate their own sync to pick up the changes. Obviously, this won’t help with Outlook or an iPod (because they can’t receive SMS notifications), but is a good way to satisfy one’s most-engaged users, who tend to have lots of other toys. I believe that if one updates device A, makes a separate update to device B, and syncs A, then not only will B be auto-synced, but the result of that sync will trigger an auto-sync of A to pickup the new data from B. However, as the number of a user’s devices goes up, the number of auto-syncs may thus increase factorially/exponentially; I know of no tests to see if this leads to significant battery drain or application latency. For a demo, check out the video interview with Funambol’s CEO at TalkTv.

    As a last note, although the sync portal allows plugins to be pre-configured to connect with one’s own DSS, I don’t know if it’s easy to configure such plugins for locales other than US English. Also, I believe there is no publicly-available list of all error messages that a user might encounter, for use in one’s own Help page.

    How Sync with DSS Works

    Once a user has located the native sync client on their device, or installed a Funambol plugin (actually, any syncML client from any software provider should work, since Funambol’s DSS is syncML-compliant), and has gotten a login from the data provider (e.g. or to enter into the client, they are ready to start. Actually, there’s one more step: Make sure the data provider url is correct in the sync client.

    When the “synchronize” button is pressed, a “begin sync” syncML message is sent to the data provider’s url along with the user’s login, a deviceId (unique to the device compared to all other devices in the world), and an indicator of what kind of data to sync (i.e., contacts, events, or tasks). The data type is actually mapped to a “sourceUri” in the device — for example, some devices allow syncing events using either sourceUri “scal” (indicating the SIF Event format) or sourceUri “event” (indicating the VCalendar format). The sourceUri values are arbitrary and depend on how the DSS has been configured, but the values given here are Funambol’s plugin defaults. I recommend using SIF formats if possible, since they appear to allow for a wider variety of event data, and are common on Microsoft devices and thus have a large user base and the implicit testing that comes with that.

    If the login is approved, the DSS combines the userId and deviceId into a “principal id” and checks its fnbl_last_sync table to see if this principalId+sourceUri has synced with it before; if not, it’s treated as a “slow” (aka full, complete) sync; if it has synced before, it’s treated as a “fast” (aka incremental, partial) sync. For slow syncs, DSS responds in syncML by asking the device to send an id for each data item of the requested type; for fast syncs, DSS asks the device to send only id’s for the data added, updated, or deleted since the last sync (as indicated by the date in fnbl_last_sync). DSS makes a similar slow-or-fast request to the data provider end.

    Who or what is this data provider? If you use the DSS’s “webdemo” webapp for managing contacts and events, it’s a set of tables in DSS’s dbms. But in our case, it’s a “calendar server” that serves many other client applications and which we access via the network. More on this later.

    For a slow sync, DSS asks the device for the full data behind each data item id, and passes that to the data provider telling it to add it. The data provider must reply with an id for the new item. Similarly, DSS asks the data provider for the full data behind every id, and passes that to the device telling it to add it. The device must also reply with an id for the new item. DSS stores the pairs of {device event id, data provider event id} in db table fnbl_client_mapping, keyed by principalId and sourceUri. (Note: if you reinstall a plugin, the deviceId is likely to change, so the principalId would change, which means that syncing, then reinstalling and syncing again, is likely to lead to duplicates on both the device and data provider ends, because there is no longer a matching principalId in fnbl_last_sync and thus a slow sync is done the second time.)

    For a fast sync, DSS asks the device and data provider ends what has been added since the time of the last sync, sends the new items to the other end, and updates the mapping table with the new id’s. It then makes a similar request to both ends for items updated since the last sync, and then for items deleted since the last time.

    On the data provider end, DSS makes all its requests through “modules” which must implement a predefined API. But before a sync can occur, the userId and password that a user entered in the device must be authenticated, and each module is responsible for indicating what Java class should do the auth check. Funambol calls such an auth class an “Officer”, and provides a default one that checks the co-installed dbms for a matching login. Since we are focused on using pre-existing data providers, you will want to write your own Officer to connect with your existing auth service for user accounts.

    The module API requires implementation of these signatures:

    • beginSync – Called by DSS if the officer indicated successful auth; the principalId and sourceUri are passed in via a context parameter
    • getAllSyncItemKeys – DSS uses this to get data item id’s when starting a slow sync
    • getNewSyncItemKeys – DSS uses this to get data item id’s for fast syncs, to get items added since last time
    • getUpdatedSyncItemKeys – DSS uses this to get data item id’s for fast syncs, to get items updated since last time
    • getDeletedSyncItemKeys – DSS uses this to get data item id’s for fast syncs, to get items deleted since last time
    • getSyncItemById – If DSS wants the device to add or update something, it gets it from the data provider this way
    • getSyncItemKeysFromTwin – The user might have added similar items on both the device and data provider ends; this call gives the data provider a chance to report items it thinks are similar to the given device item, to avoid adding duplicates at both ends.
    • addSyncItem – If the device has an item the data provider should have, DSS uses this to put it there
    • updateSyncItem – If the device has an item that should replace one the data provider has, DSS uses this to put it there
    • removeSyncItem – If an item has been deleted on the device, and a similar one should be deleted from the data provider, DSS uses this to delete it
    • mergeSyncItems – If the module has been designed to resolve conflicting similar items from the device and data provider ends by merging them, DSS uses this to get that merged version as a step before sending the update to the device and data provider ends. (This method is available only if your PIMCalendarSyncSource extends MergeableSyncSource.)
    • commitSync – This is the next-to-last call DSS makes into a module for a sync. It calls it even if a SyncSourceException has been thrown by a previous call, which IMO is a design flaw since it doesn’t follow the traditional semantics of a ‘commit’; for example, if one plans to do all updates and deletions to the data provider via a batch, one would want to do that here — but that allows for loss of data integrity because a related update to the device might have failed.
    • endSync – Always the last call DSS makes into a module

    If one wants to provide support for events and contacts using the SIF, VCalendar, and VCard formats, there are several ways to split up the work across modules. One could make a separate module for each combination, responsible for only one format of one kind of data, or have a single module that handles all types and formats. The major constraint on modules is that each can have only one auth Officer. While this constraint didn’t limit our design choices, we did happen to implement contacts and events in separate modules in separate source trees but where both modules would use the same officer code. Having separate trees had the unfortunate consequence of needing to copy/paste the officer code from one tree to the other, putting it in a different package, and configuring the two modules to use these different officer packages. Clearly, relying on copy/paste opens the door to maintenance problems; I recommend using a single source tree and single officer codebase if at all possible.

    Putting a Module Together

    In this section, we walk through the creation of a module to handle multiple data types and formats, where the data provider is a remote host rather than Funambol’s “webdemo” default.

    First, find the source for DSS at Funambol’s downloads site, or via objectweb (e.g. You’re looking for these files:

    • (and parent
    • (and parent
    • init_schema.sql
    • SIFTaskSource.xml
    • VCalendarSource.xml
    • Funambol.xml
    • PersistentStoreManager.xml

    Notice that PIMCalendarSyncSource implements the module API mentioned earlier by making calls into PIMCalendarManager, and PIMCalendarManager manipulates the co-installed dbms on behalf of the “webdemo” default webapp. You should hollow-out the method implementations of PIMCalendarManager and code them so they work for your existing data provider. I don’t have more to say about that part of the job.

    The remainder of the work is configuring the module. Look in init_schema.sql at how the fnbl_sync_source table maps an incoming sourceUri (e.g. stask) to a bean file (e.g. SIFTaskSource.xml) that describes how to configure PIMCalendarSyncSource for that sourceUri. The key insight here is that every sync attempt triggers the creation of a new PIMCalendarSyncSource object, and that object manages state between the beginSync and endSync calls. By creating an object for every attempt, we can use the same Java class to handle different data types (events or tasks, even contacts) for different formats. Differences across data types and formats are largely hidden from you by the convenience methods in PIMCalendarSyncSource for marshalling and unmarshalling formats into Funambol data objects (e.g. Event, Task, and their common parent com.funambol.common.pim.calendar.CalendarContent). If you need to know the data type within your module code, you can use PIMCalendarSyncSource’s entityType member (or add your own member field and an entry in the bean files to populate it).

    A module can support multiple data types and formats by adding an entry for each to the fnbl_sync_source table.

    Be sure to make these changes:

    • Change the package and class name of the ‘object’ element in each bean file to match yours
    • Do the same for the ‘class’ attribute of the fnbl_sync_source_type table in init_schema.sql
    • Note that the values of the ‘config’ attribute of the fnbl_sync_source table aren’t filepaths in your source tree; instead, they reflect where the files will be unpacked from a zip after running bin/ You need to check build.xml to make sure these files are pulled from the right place during the build.
    • Since you will be using your own solution for user acct management, you need to disable Funambol’s by providing a stub. In init_schema.sql, all entries in fnbl_sync_source_type should reference the stub class for the ‘admin_class’ attribute.

    Next, look in Funambol.xml and notice the officer, store, and serverURI properties. The ‘serverURI’ value is probably ‘{serverURI}’, which indicates a placeholder that will be filled using when is run; using placeholders is a pretty convenient way to get config into your module; you can define your own bean java and xml files, add your values to, and update install-module.xml to map those properties to placeholders in your bean xml file. You can also use a placeholder for the entire ‘officer’ property and put the xml in (which is helpful if you’re using different officer classes in different environments).

    The ‘store’ property is important because it points to PersistentStoreManager.xml, which you will edit for your module. If your module will support fast/incremental sync, it needs its own db storage to keep track of the item id’s involved in the previous sync (aka “anchors”). For example, if the data provider provides a way of asking for all items changed since a certain time, but it doesn’t distinguish between which are new and which are updated, and doesn’t indicate any of the deleted ones, then you need to compare those id’s with the anchors: anchors that aren’t in the list from the data provider should be considered “deleted”; items from the provider that aren’t among the anchors should be considered “new”; all the rest can be considered “updated”.

    To store and read anchors, you should create files create_schema.sql and drop_schema.sql (referenced in install-modules.xml) for creating and dropping the table(s) you need; if your module is listed in the modules-to-install property of when you run, you will be prompted whether to recreate a table; answering ‘y’ will run drop_table.sql and then create_table.sql (so, you generally want to answer ‘n’ when installing unless you want to force all users to do slow syncs next time). To allow the module to read from and update the anchors, create java and xml bean code where the xml defines the SQL for inserting, updating, querying, and deleting. Add the bean xml filename to the list of such beans in PersistentStoreManager.xml.

    Some of the files I’ve mentioned may not be in Funambol’s public source, and I’m sorry for that oversight. But they are helpful folks and I’m sure they would send you some samples.

    Lessons Learned

    Other than issues I’ve already mentioned, here are some issues you should be aware of up-front:

    1. There is no automated update process for getting the latest info about the world of devices. The sync portal needs this so it can offer support for the latest phones, and so it can keep up with changes in support for existing ones. You need to arrange with Funambol to be sent regular “phone pack” updates.
    2. There is no support for sending a message from the server to be displayed in the client. For errors, the best one can do is set a message in a thrown SyncSourceException, since the message will appear in the client log if it uses log level “error”.
    3. There is no way for a module to trigger a change from fast to slow sync in case, say, an error is found with anchor storage.
    4. The module API requires addItem to return the id that your storage will use for the item. This makes it hard if not impossible to include add’s with update’s and delete’s in a single batch during commitSync(); instead, you may need a synchronous network roundtrip for every call to addItem().
    5. It appears that the SIF Event content type used by Microsoft uses UTC-based times (e.g. 20080704T010000Z for 9amPT on July 4) for all values unless it’s an all-day event, in which case it uses YYY-MM-DD with no timezone indicator.  Funambol’s convert() in PIMCalendarSyncSource leaves these all-day values as-is instead of changing them to UTC format. I didn’t find any guiding principle about when UTC versus local time was used.
    6. The default dbms in the open source version of DSS is hypersonic. If you plan to use mysql, be sure to indicate your engine is InnoDB in your DDL scripts since Funambol’s dev wiki mentions there’s a risk of memory leaks without that.
    7. Since you’re using your own storage, make sure to remove the “webdemo” webapp (and associated db tables) so users don’t stumble across it by accident.
    8. When dealing with com.funambol.common.pim.calendar.RecurrencePattern, note that recurrence types with “NTH” in their name are for use when instance!=0, not when interval>0.
    9. Funambol’s Outlook plugin has a bug where if it is given an event that repeats every N years, it will change it to repeating yearly.
    10. Outlook has a bug where if it is given an event that repeats monthly, that’s timed/not-allday, and whose start time crosses a day boundary when converted to UTC (e.g. 4pm Pacific in summer becomes 1am UTC the next day), then Outlook will move it a day late (e.g. from Friday to Saturday). There is a similar problem when Outlook provides such an event, instead of consuming it.
    11. If an event is timed/not-allday but it has a duration of 24 hours, then the Outlook plugin will change it to an allday event, thereby losing start and end times.
    12. When a repeating event is created, synced, and then some individual dates on each end are modified or deleted (they must be different dates on each end), then on the next sync they will show as dupes. This is because Funambol’s default merge method has a bug…such changed dates are represented as an “exclusions list” in the RecurrencePattern obj, and merge should take the union of the device’s list and the data provider’s.
    13. Most devices don’t support multiple calendars, so Funambol has no special support for them, but your data provider may have many users who have these. As long as your module uses a concatenation of calendar id and event id as the full id given to DSS (to guarantee each item id that DSS has is unique within a user’s set of id’s), there should be no problem.
    14. It’s not feasible to host, say, a contacts module in one DSS and a calendar module in another DSS, and rely on sniffing to route http requests to the correct server. The problem is that the sourceUri is the one piece of info that would allow such decisions, but it’s embedded in the request payload, not the http headers.
    15. If a user did a manual sync at the same time that one of his devices happened to do an auto-sync, I believe there is no mechanism in DSS to detect this and block one of the requests, to avoid loss of data integrity for the user. For example, imagine there are similar events on device A, data provider B, and auto-syncing device C; while A and B are merging, C might update the event on B; when the merge of A and B is done and the update happens on B, it wipes out the info from C.
    16. If you use the carrier edition, be aware that your init_schema.sql isn’t the only file controlling what sourceUri’s the DSS thinks it supports. There are also portal/database/cared-coredb-mysql.sql and portal/database/cared-mysql.sql. Be sure to remove INSERT calls from these for sourceUri’s you won’t support, to ensure the user sees an error saying something like “Remote name not recognized” rather than a generic error.
    17. If you see error “Fatal error creating the PersistentStore object” in your log, a possible cause is having the wrong line endings in the config files of your s4j file. For example, if you build the s4j on a Windows machine and try to run it on a *nix machine, you are likely to see this error.
    18. Trivia item: The second param to the ICalendarParser constructor, a String, represents the device’s charset, not its timezone.

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    Good luck!

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    EOFException from getBinaryStream

    If you get EOFException from a call to getBinaryStream on a result set, here are two suggestions:

    • Check that when you write the stream, you aren’t trying to read from the same stream twice. For example, you might try to update a row first, and if that returns 0 rows changed, then you may be trying to do an insert using the same stream that you read from for the update. This won’t work because once the stream is read once, the stream pointer is at the end of the content when you try to read the second time.
    • Try deserializing the stream right after serializing and without putting it into a file or dbms.  If this doesn’t work, it’s likely that your object type doesn’t implement Serializable nor Externalizable.
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    Indicating type in names (“Hungarian notation”)

    The practice of indicating type when one names something is an old practice, and still a great idea. Some say that it’s not necessary if one uses a modern IDE that shows type on hover, etc. But have you seen any IDE that does that for interpreted languages like JS? And what about when you have to look at code outside of an IDE, such as in an email or in a diff?

    I don’t know of any industry-wide consensus on what characters to use for common types, but my (ever evolving) set is:

    x – unknown type
    i – int
    o – object
    b – bool
    s – string
    f – function (especially helpful when passing function pointers and refs)
    sb – StringBuilder
    e – DOM element
    as – array of strings
    ao – array of objects
    hs – string of html
    zs, zhs – “sanitized” string; stripped of possible cross-site scripting attacks
    ht – hashtable (used in JS when an obj is used just to collect properties)

    Similarly, it’s very helpful to know what kind of result a function returns. I indicate the return type after the “f”, like this:

    fbSubmitCompose – returns a bool
    fsbSubmitButtonHTML – returns a StringBuilder of markup
    fPreparePagesDropdown – doesn’t return a value

    btw, perhaps fhsbSubmitButton would be better.

    If it’s a member var, prepend with “m_” and if it’s a static member, with “s_”. This is very important, because if you ever work with a web framework that creates just one object per class (like Java servlets), you want to be very mindful of what’s stored in member and static vars, since some uses lead to loss of thread safety. It also helps when reading a long function to know which of the objects are defined outside.

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    Don’t use + to build strings

    First, using + to create strings in JS is fine because there is no alternative.

    But in C# and ASPX (and Java), string objects are “immutable”, which means you can’t alter their properties; when you use +, a whole new string is created to contain the two original pieces. So when you use a chain of +’s, you’re creating a lot of objects and then throwing them away.

    Instead, use StringBuilder.Append or AppendFormat.  For example, change

      s = “[” + s + “]”;


    //10 is an estimate of the final # of chars
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(10);
      s = sb.ToString();


      //10 is an estimate of the final # of chars
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(10);
      sb.AppendFormat(“[{0}]”, s);
      s = sb.ToString();

    Note that this means you don’t want + inside your calls to Append, either.

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    Read “Effective Java” book to improve skills in Java or C#

    Although my knowledgeable programmer friends seem to have known about this book for awhile, I discovered Joshua Bloch’s book “Effective Java” just recently.  This book is chock-full of great advice that applies not just to Java but also C# and the C family. If you read just one book about programming, I recommend this one.

    I have heard, and strongly suspected myself, that C# is just a layer on top of Microsoft’s old implementation of Java. So it’s well-worth understanding Java even if you consider yourself dedicated to C# (which doesn’t seem sensible to me, but you may have your reasons).

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