First, using + to create strings in JS is fine because there is no alternative.
But in C# and ASPX (and Java), string objects are “immutable”, which means you can’t alter their properties; when you use +, a whole new string is created to contain the two original pieces. So when you use a chain of +’s, you’re creating a lot of objects and then throwing them away.
Instead, use StringBuilder.Append or AppendFormat. For example, change
 s = “[” + s + “]”;
//10 is an estimate of the final # of chars
 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(10);
 s = sb.ToString();
 //10 is an estimate of the final # of chars
 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(10);
 sb.AppendFormat(“[{0}]”, s);
 s = sb.ToString();
Note that this means you don’t want + inside your calls to Append, either.