Unspecified error for createStyleSheet()

Our rich text editor (RTE) was working in IE just yesterday, at least from my dev server. But once installed in QA, a JS error was being popped whenever the Compose page loaded, and the error indicated M$ method createStyleSheet(), which is called on the RTE iframe’s doc object. If one takes the option to debug offered by the error popup, VisualStudio can only say “unspecified error”, but then the RTE becomes usable!

This suggested a timing problem, and sure enough, a web search turned up problems if one calls createStyleSheet() before the doc obj’s readyState property reaches “complete”:


To workaround this, one could just keep trying:

function foo (sCssPath) {

try {


} catch() {

setTimeout(“foo(‘”+sCssPath+”‘)”, 10);



But that runs the risk of looping forever. A better way might be to use the M$-only onReadyStateChange handler:

if (bIE) {

if (eDoc.readyState == “complete”) {


} else {

eDoc.onreadystatechange = function() {

if (eDoc.readyState == “complete”) {






Details at MSDN

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